April 24, 2024

Reading: I Kings 8

And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the Lord, he arose from before the altar of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven. And he stood, and blessed all the congregation of Israel with a loud voice, saying, Blessed be the Lord, that hath given rest unto His people Israel, according to all that He promised: there hath not failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised by the hand of Moses His servant(I Kings 8:54-56).

Chapters 6 and 7 of the Book of I Kings go into great detail on the building of the Temple of the Lord. It is easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the undertaking, and the finished product was surely an architectural masterpiece filled with museum-quality tapestries, wood, stone, and metal works. Yet, as Solomon stood before the people of Israel and offered prayers of dedication for the newly completed Temple, none of that mattered. They were not there to celebrate the work of man; they were there to rejoice over the glory of God.

And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, So that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord (I Kings 8:10-11). Prior to that moment, the building had just been a building; it was the presence of God that transformed it into holy ground. Solomon’s earnest prayer of dedication was also one of revelation. The people had desired a home for God. They had looked to the Temple as a place where He could be tucked away, safe and secure for when they needed to seek Him out. Solomon’s words made clear the fallacy of that thinking. But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded (8:27)?

God can never be controlled or contained. He is with us— always, whether we look to Him or not—because He loves us and chooses to be with us. The Temple of the Lord built by Solomon was a beautiful, tangible tribute to God, just as are the many dedicated houses of worship that exist in the world of today, but neither it nor today’s constructs are inherently holier than any other location. God is with us always, everywhere we go (Matt. 28:20). We are called to recognize and rejoice in His glory every day and every place, not just within the walls of a house of worship. Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure. Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my soul (Ps. 103:21-22). As we celebrate His glory, we reflect it outward for all the world to see. That all the people of the earth may know that the Lord is God, and that there is none else (I Kings 8:60).

If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, Thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me(Ps. 139:8-10).

Thought for Today: The number of faithful neither diminishes nor bolsters God’s power; even a small congregation can spread His message far and wide.

Christ Portrayed:As the perfect Temple of God before whom all kings of the earth one day must bow (I Kings 8:54; John 2:19-21). Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name (Phil. 2:9).

Word Studies:8:2 Ethanim (later called Tishri) = September/October; 8:37 blasting = blight; 8:47 bethink themselves = learn their lesson and repent.

Pray For Staff:Judy McCrary • Country: Liechtenstein (37,009) in Western Europe • Major Languages: German, Alemannic dialect • Religious Freedom • 76.2% Roman Catholic; 7% Protestant; 10.6% Unknown; 6.2% Other • Prayer Suggestion: Pray that your life will be a good testimony to others, even when faced with opposition (I Pet. 2:12).

Optional Reading:Acts 25